Did You Know?
- That 40% of the homeless in Indianapolis are families? Leading to 1 in 30 children who will go to sleep without a home of their own each year.
- That 70% of all corporate executives have had mentors?
- That the classic definition of the word “mentor” is “wise and trusted friend”?
- That Indianapolis has a Blueprint to End Homelessness that calls for the use of volunteer mentors to increase the support network for individuals and families at risk of homelessness? For more information on the Blueprint, go to www.chipindy.org.
- That a successful mentor will make a commitment to being consistent and dependable?
- That 70% of Trusted Mentors program participants have remained housed while in the program?
- That if you judge people, you have no time to love them?
- That the entire Indianapolis community is the beneficiaries of the Trusted Mentor program?
[cta button_link=https://trustedmentors.org/yes-ill-mentor/ button_text=”Become a Mentor”] Mentoring changes lives. Find out how you can change the life of an unstable adult. [/cta]